Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Linked Life in Style Blog Update (Doc B on Health & Fitness)

I have been sticking to blogging this year! Well not a great commitment, but here it is in August and I have made a number of posts sporadically over 2018. I am calling it a win. Go me!

I am making a decision to change the format. I have already changed the name from "Doc B on Health and Fitness" to "Linked Life in Style". The title is a nod to my Linked Athletic days. Linked Athletics is a performance training center that I co-founded. After I left training to pursue mastery in my chiropractic practice, I have remained as a consultant with Linked Athletics, as well as best friends with Brian.

Back to the point, change is good and we all change constantly. The only thing that remains the same is that all things change, am I right?

My focus is going from "Health and Fitness" to my observations, anecdotes, lessons, critiques and process on anything I come across worthy of taking the time to blog. This blog is also to serve as an online journal for me to express myself. Foreseeable topics will include, but not limited to, health, fitness, wellness, mindfulness, spirituality, philosophy, disciplines of various arts, and anything else I want to immortalize into my digital "memoirs", as it were.

My goal for writing the actual content is to format the posts as if I'm writing a book or course. Within the posts will be "Commentary" that I will reserve for my personal observations, opinions and lewd language, etc. Which brings me to another point: I am going to write how I speak. I am NOT going to write as if I am ACTUALLY going to produce a book, I am going to fcuking curse and utilize lewd imagery. It will be in the style of how I speak to my friends. Like a literary dumpster fire had a baby with an 70's daisy-chain, you won't be able to turn away... or you will and it will all be for my benefit.

This is the style in which I can express myself most honestly. I will refrain from unnecessary name calling (or vulgar name calling), from unjust judgement, and behaving like a miscreant. However, I will name call in a fun way (at least funny to me), perhaps pass judgement where I deem it due, and act like myself (either professional or d-list comedian, in which I am not even that funny).

Please enjoy what is to come. If all goes well, you will enjoy reading the posts as much as I enjoy writing them. If all goes poorly, you will dislike and disagree with my posts and I will still have enjoyed writing them. Win-Win!!!

Thank You,