Thursday, August 9, 2018

Just past my Birthday, 2018!!

Today is the day just after my Birthday. It was a good birthday, low-key, and spent with my family. My mother took my wife and I to my favorite Indian buffet. My wife and kids made cards and decorated the house. It was great!
Image result for doctor who birthday

I was able to reflect just a little bit on my life, especially the last 7-8 weeks. My wife came through major surgery and is healing like a BOSS! Both of my children started the respective schools and they both seem to be doing really well, which is such a relief. My blood pressure medication was recalled because a manufacturer began putting in a "cheaper" chemical to lower the bottom-line; turns out this chemical causes cancer. Thanks for the cancer, made-in-fcuking-China diovan.

  • The worst thing about that last one is that neither my nephrologist's office  nor my pharmacy called to tell me about the recall. I had called the Kroger pharmacy over a month ago to check on the recall, you know, to avoid cancer, but they assured me that the manufacturer of the diovan I was taking was not the one that was recalled... I guess I got the "new guy" pharmacy tech who doesn't know his ass from his head. Thanks for the cancer "Steve".
Finally, I came to lie down with my wife, and kids, and the end of the day. I had a great workout, the kids were happy, and my wife was proud of herself for pulling off my "secret birthday gift". It was awesome and life is good. 

Take a moment, it only takes a few at most, and reflect on your own life. Are you appreciating the little things? The "little people" in it? Are you avoiding cancer? Are your medications or supplements sourced from clean and pure places? Are you proud of yourself? Proud of your spouse? Your kids? Did you workout today? At the very least, did you move about? Did you eat cleanly in order to properly fuel your body-temple, your body-performance vehicle? Did you challenge your mind? Did you win at something? Did you win your day? Did you celebrate you? Tell yourself that you are proud of yourself for something? ANYTHING?

Quite your mind. Feel your body. Sense everything around you. Feel your connection to all of ebbs and flows of this moment. Just breathe. Now smile...

Thank you for reading,