Monday, September 10, 2018

Yvette posts schlock.

I was not interested in blogging about Yvette d'Entremont, but she just keeps writing schlock.

A few posts ago I wrote about my anger with Joe Rogan's interview with Yvette where they unjustly attacked chiropractors. He had has a personal story, in which I sympathize. She is a mere malinger, a hypercritic, with just a dash of slanderer.

She calls herself the "Scibabe", a handle in which a colleague of mine wrote, "... to which she is neither a babe nor a scientist." Briefly, she has degrees in forensics and chemistry, but left her life of science to pursue her blogging career. Her mission is to, "create a formula of busting commonly accepted pseudoscience with a combination of accessibly written, accurate science (and a side of dirty jokes) ... reliable and entertaining source of information in a world wrought with fake news."

I can honestly say that had Yvette actually stuck to the science part of her bio, I would not have a problem. She seems grossly unable to separate actual science from her "humor", though. It seems that in her attempts to blend her "humor" with science, she struggles with personal bias. Therefore, her articles are filled with half-truths, misconceptions and conjecture... basically, schlock. Lots and lots of schlock. Which I might add is exactly what "fake news" is.

Below is a response I wrote to my mother when she emailed me one of Yvette's articles about the Keto diet and how it may be terrible for you. Enjoy:

"I read the whole article. Yvette brings up some interesting points as well as some cause for consideration. I agree that dieting is a very personal decision and that “sticking” to a diet has higher outcomes. I don’t agree that, “...calories are calories are calories.” A statement she makes in the article AND contradicts multiple times. 

She continues to try to compare Keto to Atkins, but she is mistaken... or trying too hard. The paleo/primal/Keto movement has spend a good deal of effort to correct the flaws of the Atkins diet and paleo/primal are not the same as Atkins. The similarity between Keto and Atkins is not as close as she presents. She spends about 1/2 the article talking about Keto & Atkins, this is not impressive. 

The trick of dieting is finding what works for you, this I completely agree. If it’s Keto, low-carb, paleo, primal, Mediterranean, Siberian, Native American, Ayurvedic, quick weight loss, etc., a person must find the diet-style that they can make their own. I take it 1 step further in saying that a persons nutritional needs may require some blending of 2 or more of the above. Personally, I feel great when I’m on Keto, but I feel even better when I cycle Keto with Primal. 

Ryan and I were discussing that the people who experience unparalleled success are going so far to track, not only their macros (protein, carbs, fat), but their micros (electrolytes, minerals, vitamins, etc). This requires tremendous intention and planning, which brings us back to sticking with a diet. This is the key. Planning makes a diet or eating style doable. That, in my opinion, was why quick weight loss worked so well. You were planning everyday, every meal. It was set!

On a more personal note, Yvette d’Entremont is on my  shit-list. She calls herself “The Scibabe” and makes a living using science, or her opinion of science, to criticize and delegitimize professions and movements. Nothing I've seen from her is an original. Her opinions are usually predictable and the “science” she uses to support her view is often cherry-picked to support whatever she’s discrediting. I’m sure the research she referenced in the article is the same. Her education is in forensics and chemistry, yet I usually find her demoting healthcare professions & practices, and now diets. Read her commentary with full knowledge that she is a muckraker... and not a very good one. 

Also, The Outline is an online “media” company who’s goal is to create a small social media footprint by having people come directly to their website to read their articles. They were founded in 2016 and had 16 employees, all of whom were from entertainment magazines like Vox or Buzzfeed. I am suspecting the budget is tight. 

This year all of the employees were fired and the company only uses freelance writers. This is where “scibabe” comes in, she’s only written for them since earlier this year. You guessed it, all of her articles are about bashing others. From celebrities, to pet healthcare, to the dangers of Chiropractors, and now Keto, she covers some ground. 

I just wanted to give you some context on the article. Thanks for sending it to me."

So there you have it. My response to my mom. It was not as complete and detailed as I like, but it covered the basics. Yvette d'Entremont is an uneventful neerdowell. As I checked her past articles in "The Outline," nothing was original. One article that caught my eye was titled, "Chiropractors are bullshit." I am not going to do myself the disservice of reading it, but I know what is written there within, more Yvette schlock.

I really wish her well, in anything else other than what she is doing now. She apparently wants to make a name for herself as some sort of "truth-seeker" or "science vigilante", but her game is tired. It has been done before by much smarter and much angrier people. They are gone and chiropractic is still around, stronger than ever. They also flung poo, like so many poo-throwing monkeys, but their stink did not stick. The greatest part of all of the "chiropractic is antiscience" idiots, is that no one remembers them. Chiropractic continues to flourish, yet no one remembers the fools that tried too hard to bend facts to meet their theories. I fear for Yvette that she is heading down the same road. That for all of her effort, she will drift further into obscurity never having had made a positive impact on the world. Do better, Yvette. Be better.

Thank you for reading