Monday, September 16, 2013

LINKED Athletics trains in 3 dimensions

Training in 3D

Performance training is ever evolving. New information is constantly being introduced, and with it comes advances in methodology. In order to remain current and within the realm of safely training athletes to perform at their very best, performance coaches must evolve as well. Unfortunately a large number of performance coaches still remain who rely on outdated information and training techniques, and ultimately it is the athlete who suffers training this way. To properly train for dynamic sports, athletes must mimic the environments that they will perform in. LINKED Athletics uses a 3D training methodology to do just this.

Classically, training was very 1 dimensional, with 1 plane of motion being utilized. These are exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench press. 1 dimensional lifts are still relied upon heavily for strength training, and are the basis for powerlifting. 2 dimensional training gained popularity some years ago, and remains to this day as the most readily used in training programs. The addition of a second plane of movement to an exercise, such as progressing squats to lunges or a chest press into flys, allows for greater complexity. This complexity helps the athlete up his/her game on the field/pitch/ice/court. Agility and quickness training are also rooted in 2 dimensional training.

LINKED Athletics has adopted a 3 dimensional training philosophy, which we are constantly building into our methodology. 3D training refers to training in the 3 planes of movement, which are: forward/backward (sagittal plane), lateral or side to side (coronal/frontal plane), and rotation (transverse plane). The 3 dimensions of training also refers to the 3 anatomical structures, and its physiology, that are the focus’ of all training. The nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves), the muscular system, and the skeletal system (including ligamentous and cartilaginous structures). The number of exercises that incorporate all 3 planes at once are extensive, complicated and usually incorporate instability. BOSU, Surge, stability disc, toners, and a high level of education become useful tools for this type of training.

With sports being played in a 360 degree environment of organized chaos, the athlete who is best prepared, and more completely trained, will have the edge. LINKED Athletics 3D training is designed with purpose and progression that allows the athlete maximal preparation. Simply performing random multi-planar exercises without structure can be dangerous and will not allow the athlete to compete at his/her full potential. The body will not be fully ready for the demands of sport, or life. 3D performance training gives the athlete an unrivaled dynamic workout that increases difficulty and will translate into the movements of their sport. It is a safe and extremely effective training methodology.