Sunday, January 13, 2013

An "If you knew what I knew, you would do what I do" Post

“If you knew what knew, you would do what I do...” 


This statement rings loud in chiropractic. Many of our seminars will have at least one speaker who addresses this theme. A question posed to us is, “If Chiropractic were illegal, would you still adjust patients?” Many say YES. So why is that? Because chiropractors are rebels. Because chiropractors are crazy. Perhaps, but the answer truly is, “if you knew what I knew, you would do what I do”.

Chiropractic has been around for 118 years as an alternative to the medical model of “healthcare”. Over the last 30 years or so, there has been an effort to define chiropractic as care for back/neck pain and headaches. Most of you, if you have seen a chiropractor, have gone for these very reasons without knowing the side benefits. I know this because I have a discussion with all of my patients about the advantages of consistent and long-term chiropractic care, and virtually every single person is genuinely surprised about the broad spectrum of chiropractic benefits.

These include, but are not limited to:

Decreased pain
Increased Energy
Sleep Better
Feel more rested when done sleeping
Move more
Move without pain
Improved digestion
Improved immune function
Allergy improvement
Think better
Improve ear infections
Breathe easier
Feel great
Ease PMS
Decreased Headaches
Improved Elimination
Increased Flexibility
Increased Vitality
Decreased Drug use
Get back to work faster
Improved Memory
Stimulate other Lifestyle changes

At this point, I'm expecting you to feel surprise or disbelief because you have never associated this list, or at least some things on it, with your spine...
And why should you? I'm here to tell you that your high school education taught you everything you would need to know to understand how it works, the problem has been that no one has ever explained it to you.

So here is docBdc trying to explaining it:
First and foremost, it is important that we define the body as a
self-healing, self-organizing, and self-regulating organism.
By this, I mean to say that you do not need to think to make your body work. Your bodies autonomic functions are just that, automatic. You get a cut you don't have to think to make the healing happen, your body just knows how and what to do it. This is happen continuously everyday.

So because the human body is a self-healing, self-organizing, and self-regulating organism, there must be constant communication between the body systems in order for the body to function smoothly. It is also widely known that 1 system is in charge of everything: The Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System is the master system. Of the 11 systems of the human body, the Central Nervous System runs them all. Gray's Anatomy, written by Henry Gray in 1858 and is used to this day as a staple in anatomical/ medical/ and health practitioner studies, defines the Central Nervous System as the “master control system,” and that “every organ, system and function of the human body is under the direct control of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves).” All functions, or communication between the systems, are carried out and mediated by the central nervous system...

Essentially, all of us live and experience life THROUGH our nervous systems. Every physical, emotional and spiritual experience your have or will have is experienced through it. Without it you do not exist, with it you express and experience life.

So what happens when the master control system cannot properly communicate with the body? If there is a lack of proper nerve function then the organs, the body systems, and overall function of the body suffers. When the disruption of the nerve signal occurs at the spine, which is most often, then we (chiropractors) call this SUBLUXATION. Subluxation is what chiropractors find and correct.

The side effects of subluxation are vast, but most of us feel early symptoms as stiffness, tightness, and decreased range of motion. Because we generally ignore such minor symptoms, the subluxation cycle is permitted to continue and permanent minor damage occurs, which becomes pain. The symptoms we feel, however, should be the least of our worries. What you are not feeling is a decrease in body system functions, which left unchecked and unchanged will lead to a malfunction. When you feel that tightness, stiffness, and decreased range of motion, your body is telling you it is time to get adjusted. By the time you feel pain, damage (usually permanent) has already occurred. How many times can you afford small amounts of damage before it leads to a major problem?

Chiropractic patients who maintain consistent and long-term care have an unfair advantage. Their bodies not only heal faster and remain stronger, but they are also expressing and experiencing life to a greater potential. If you have a chiropractor, I recommend an office visit every 2 weeks (there is orthopedic research in which I base this), and if you are not currently under chiropractic care, I advise you to do so.

The 2 reasons people do not maintain consistent care are: Time and Money
While these concerns are valid, I ask, “if not now, when?” The money you spend to correct the system malfunction later will cost you more. Disc herniation’s are expensive. Headache treatment is expensive. Therapy due to nerve damage is expensive, and these are only a few of the problems chiropractic can help or head off. When tallied together, consistent long term chiropractic care's total cost is exponentially less compared to medically treating later.

There are chiropractors out there who provide office hours to accommodate tight schedules, as well as chiropractors who create care plans for your pocket book. I urge you to seek them out. The time and money you invest now into your health with payoff big down the line. “If you knew what I knew, you would do what I do.”

Thank you for your attention and for reading this entire post.

As always, if you have questions or comments you can contact me at:
