Saturday, February 23, 2013

X-Fit.... WTF

This Blog is a brief preview of a collaboration between Coach Brian and DocBdc (to be presented soon).

It is no secret, I DO NOT LIKE CROSSFIT. The reason is very, at least to me, clear: X-fit promotes an exercise methodology based on a philosophy, and that philosophy is: "CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program, but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of 10 recognized fitness domains" (cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy).

The problem is that X-fit tries to specialize. I have seen numerous X-fit coaches promote themselves to athletes as an ideal training methodology... X-fit IS NOT an ideal training methodology, especially for athletes. Athletes NEED a specific training program that will strengthen their weaknesses and maximize their strengths. This cannot be done if the training program is "unspecific."

Recently a local X-fits has changed some of its protocols. They have added a warm-up and a strength complex or phase to their daily routine. While I immensely agree with this protocol, I must point out that this is against the X-fit manifesto. To add a strength complex, or phase, to each workout is specializing an aspect of the workout.


Again, there is a blog coming that is SCIENTIFIC and contra-postional to the FAD that is crossfit.

Thanks for reading, as always.
