Sunday, November 4, 2012

GMO's bad

O.k. I've been told that my post on wheat was a bit confusing and possibly a little vague. Well, I understood everything I wrote - ha (alas I self amuse), but I digress.

I'm going to address wheat by addressing genetics and genetic modification. It is my opinion that GMO's create a physiological environment in the human body that create various disease processes. While I will not go into specific diseases, you can take a minute to think about certain disease processes that seem to be on the rise and come to your own conclusion.

Here's why I am avidly against genetic modification, in the most simple way I know: DNA and RNA are the blueprint of life. They are made of nucleic acids (adenine, cytosine, and guanine are found in both RNA and DNA, while thymine occurs in DNA and uracil occurs in RNA). These nucleic acids are the same in both plants and animals.

Genetic modification is, over-simply put, injecting a substance into a plant to initiate a desired change. The plant is changed, grows, blooms or sprouts or etc., is harvested and processed, then sold and consumed by you. Said substance has changed the genetic coding and now you are eating a food that your body has not prepared for... in some cases the substance persists in the plant and you consume it. My point is, a substance that changes genetic coding in plants, which is made up of the same nucleic acid base pairs as you, has a strong potential to affect you... and it probably does.

So how does this relate to wheat... Wheat was changed before genetic modification became the go to method for altering plants. Hybridization was used to create modern wheat. Humans decided to alter wheat, which nature took tens of thousands of years to create AND our bodies had tens of thousands of years from which to adapt, and accelerate the process into just a few decades. Essentially, our bodies cannot fully  utilize the wheat which we consume, and we have no idea on the side effects this modern wheat has on us.

Unregulated hybridization is bad, and genetic modification is way worse. Be careful what you put in your mouth. Become disciplined about learning the in's & out's of your foods. Remain diligent and keep learning for yourself. Protect you and your family... This is my recommendation for you.

Thank you for reading and
Doc B